Thematic Dashboard: Illicit Drug Interdiction

The Thematic Dashboard: Illicit Drug Interdiction contains information and metrics regarding the interception of illicit drugs being smuggled and distributed in the State of Maine. Metrics in this dashboard are provided by the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency (MDEA) and the Maine State Bureau of Identification (SBI). Preventing illicit drugs from reaching their destination is an important pillar in addressing the overdose crisis in Maine as well as countering the negative effects of organized criminal groups in the State.

Metrics in this dashboard include:

  • Monthly and annual drug arrest trends by substance
  • Monthly and annual drug seizure trends by substance

At the end of each metric and the informational narratives below there are citations to the Strategy or sub-Strategy from the Opioid Response Strategic Action plan that the metric addresses or measures.

Recent drug arrest, seizure, and warning reports

Maine Drug Monitoring Initiative Report, January 2025

Maine Drug Monitoring Initiative Report, December 2024

Maine Drug Monitoring Initiative Report, September 2024

Maine Drug Monitoring Initiative Report, August 2024

Maine Drug Monitoring Initiative Report, June 2024

Maine Drug Monitoring Initiative Report, February 2024

Maine Drug Monitoring Initiative Report, December 2023

Maine Drug Monitoring Initiative Report, March 2023

MDEA Annual Report 2021

MDEA Annual Report 2020

Law enforcement prevents problematic drug use and overdose by making illegal drugs less available and by aggressively prosecuting drug traffickers.

The Maine Drug Enforcement Agency (MDEA)

The MDEA addresses the drug epidemic in the state by making deadly illegal drugs, such as fentanyl and fentanyl analogs less available. They also focus their investigative efforts on removing drug traffickers and dealers from our communities. (Strategy #13.a)

This metric tracks the grams of drugs seized by MDEA, the pharmaceutical dosage units of drugs seized by MDEA, and the drug related arrests made by MDEA by substance. This metric is an indicator of the illicit substances found in Maine by law enforcement officers as well as the quantity of illicit substances and traffickers of illicit substances removed from Maine’s drug trade by MDEA. MDEA data is reported annually. For full reports visit the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency Website’s News and Events Page.

Source: Maine Drug Enforcement Agency.

Source: Maine Drug Enforcement Agency.

Source: Maine Drug Enforcement Agency.

Source: Maine Drug Enforcement Agency.

The Maine State Bureau of Identification (SBI)

SBI collects and maintains criminal history information throughout the State including drug related arrests. These metrics tracks the number of drug arrests by substance and the number of opioid arrests by county. It does not include federal charges or dispositions. It includes data for all participating local, county, and statewide law enforcement agencies in Maine. These data do not include federal law enforcement arrests or seizures that take place in Maine. This data is reported monthly. (Strategy #13.a; 13.b)

Opioid Arrests in Maine, 2022

Source: New England High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (NE-HIDTA).